Our time in Egypt will be culminating on 22/7/2020 for a transmission from the Great Pyramids.
The same day Comet NeoWise will be at its closest approach to Earth.
The 10th and final day of Galactic Activation Portal Days in the Mayan Calendar.
Mary Magdalene Feast Day.
A day of Biblical Proportion.
And the numbers 22/7/2020.
The Seven Keys of Sacred Leadership. Will open the door. To the Heavens.
Chris and I are now stationed at the pyramids. To transmit to you. The energy encoded in comet NeoWise, and amplify it out to Humanity. From the Pyramids.
The NeoWise Comet = The Wise One Come.
An invitation to receive, through focused intention on the pyramids while we transmit new energetic information from here and amplify it out to Humanity.
Join us at 20:20pm Cairo time on July 22nd for 22 minutes from wherever you are around the world, to receive the transmission.
All Love,
Henrietta Gothe-Ellis & Chris Goodwin x