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Writer's picture: HenriettaHenrietta

We’re still here on the island through a form of divine intervention... and so in honour of this, and what we’ve created here, we’re offering our 8th trans:mission ‘Divinity’ as an Event on Sunday 8th August at 8pm Madrid time in support of what is unfolding for all of us. Something uplifting, some inspiration perhaps or simply a full activation of your entire being. It’s really up to you. The only prerequisite is that you are open to receive it.

From The Red Centre (Uluru) to The White Isle (Es Vedra), 'Divinity' is a trans:mission of Divine Love and the foundation of Sacred Leadership - where Sacred Mission, Planetary Gridwork and Divine Union intersect. It is a spiritual trans:mission through the power of sound, alchemised by myself and Chris.

This is your personal invitation to receive ‘Divinity’ with us, in a global group setting on the 8th of August 2021.

DIVINITY - “The State or quality of being divine.’ Divinity is our eighth trans:mission created in Ibiza with a focus on Es Vedra and the White Isle.

BACKGROUND 'Divinity' is what is behind the sacred doorway. It is the end of the road. An experience of direct communion with all that is, and the beginning of a new way of being. It is what is beyond the seven gates, all of our 7 trans:missions to date.

INTENTION Communion with the seven higher heavens.

AN INVITATION TO RECEIVE In under 30 minutes, you will be brought deeply into a state of being. Communion. Timeless energetic information will be transmitted directly to your soul, through the power of symphonic sound.

NOTE The nature of this trans:mission is energetic. We use the power of sound as a vehicle to reach higher states of consciousness. You will receive what your soul is ready for.

DATE & TIME Sunday 8th August 2021 Ibiza, Spain 8pm

Check time and date for your location here:


DIVINITY PRAISE “Elevating” ~ Vikki, Australia

“Amazingly intense, intimate, powerful, reaching a very deep level, experienced for the first time consciously. White light, glance of the universe.” ~ Laura, Romania

“Incredible.” ~ Kelly, Canada

“So profound. So much gratitude to each of you for this incredible offering, for this amazing vibration that won't let me go.” ~ Connie, USA

“It was beautiful, expansive, uplifting and an inner knowing, remembering, home.” ~ Anita, Australia

“Loved it.” ~ Rachel, Australia

“Divinity is an experience where I felt deeply supported and loved. Held yet feeling almost weightless. I saw myself arms outstretched legs together gently moving forwards in time leading with the engine of my loving heart, and guided and supported from behind by the loving embrace of divinity.” ~ Jo, Australia

“Powerful experience” - Mary, UK

“Thank you to both for this empowering journey! The frequencies are way beyond imagination. These words flowed through during the journey:

Soar high like an eagle To the land of the divine That resides within You are whole (holy) Let your magnificence shine As you wander through With an open heart To embrace the all encompassing Master creator being that you are Blessed, abundant and wise!!!” ~ Josiane, USA

“Very powerful” ~ Barb, USA

“A few words that came flooding into me the last part of the transmission; clarity, discernment, power, peace, truth, boundaries, sovereign, force, solidarity.

Throughout the transmission when my mind went to topics of personal troubles or concerns I kept hearing what if the plan is bigger for you? What if these worries we so small compared to what is truly in store for you? what if you are here to truly serve others? My body upon awakening is peaceful and feeling energy flow from head to toe. Thank you both, the music is so so wonderful. As is the energy.” ~ Kelly, Canada

GENERAL PRAISE “Highly recommended. Their transmissions and holy holy holy divinity of their creative forces is beyond words....fantismo, electrifying and so incredibly lifting for exactly what you need to receive in the present moment. Please venture to taste the incredible magic delivered up by this high frequency team of Henrietta Gothe-Ellis & Chris Goodwin of The nectar received and sweet opening of my heart space, unfolding through their transmissions, just never loses it's luster gates are open wide and blessed for the nourishing flow of these offerings.” ~ Connie, USA

“These audio trans:missions are incredibly powerful spiritual experiences.” ~ Ryan, USA

“I love your Transmissions, they are beautiful, powerful, incredibly healing and I often feel my soul merging into the music in a way that has me feel relieved, and "at home" in a way that for me often feels more challenging in the physical world. Each listening takes me on a different journey, depending on which version of me I am bringing to the experience. The Transmissions are so supportive to my emotional body and nervous system as I gradually release layers of previously suppressed energies. Thank you for creating this lovely body of work, I look forward to the next creation.” ~ Jo, Australia

MY OWN EXPERIENCE OF 'DIVINITY' “I have no words for this one. Though I have attempted to write a little about it. The first time I received ‘Divinity’ I couldn’t move afterwards. The energetic shift was so profound (being our 8th trans:mission, and clearly the most potent) and I found myself in a completely new space. Navigating for the first time. All distractions fell away and I was left alone, blissfully, like waking up for the first time. Experiencing everything and nothing all at once.” ~ Henrietta, Spain



All Prices are in Australian $

© 2024 The Wise One Within.

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While we believe in the power of our services and products, we want to make it clear that they are not designed or intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. We're here to provide consultation on the subject of health matters for general well-being.

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