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Stasis' is our sixth trans:mission created in the aethers with a focus on The Body.
Defined as “a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium”, ‘Stasis’ is a divinely inspired trans:mission, designed to take you there from within. A healing journey on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Bringing balance, harmony and equilibrium through placing the body in Stasis.
To experience the state of ‘Stasis’. To be open to and receive the deepest healing on subtle levels, and experience a complete reset of your nervous system. To enter the void of creation and transfiguration, to rest deeply in a space of peace and calm while being lovingly held.
In under 30 minutes, you will be transported on a journey.
Timeless energetic information will be transmitted directly to your soul.
The nature of this transmission is energetic. You will receive what your soul is ready for.
Tonight was something else! My body felt heavy but padded in softness and almost levitating or seperate from the bed if that make sense. I'm so calm. almost sedated. My nervous system is always on red frazzled but tonight my body sank further in,,,this calm heaviness in my body feeling is very new to me. I'm looking forward to bed. The insight I got from my last nights dreams was very enlightening on some behaviour programs I've been running that have been a hindrance.
~ Rach
Stasis was a stunning deep dive into the void - my body released what it needed to and I was left feeling so deeply peaceful. Thank you again for all you do, and all you provide. So much love."
~ Tessa, Australia
S:T:A:S:I:S is different from the other trans:missions offered from 'The Wise One Within'. It may cause the recipient to enter a very deep state of relaxation. This can sometimes be overwhelming due to the extreme stillness one might experience during or after the trans:mission has taken place. Please proceed with caution if you suffer from any breathing difficulties or any other medical conditions that might be effected by very light breathing. If you are not sure, please seek medical advice before proceeding.