A 7 day journey for Holy Week from The Wise One Within.
Starting TODAY!!! (March 29th - April 4th)
The Quest = Receive all 7 trans:missions over 7 days of Holy Week. 1 per day. In order of creation:
Day 1 The Wise One - Egypt (The Temple)
Day 2 Return of the Magi - Glastonbury (The Teaching)
Day 3 Sword of Truth - Stonehenge (The Betrayal)
Day 4 Pillar of Light - Uluru (The Communion)
Day 5 Eternal Flame - The Universe (The Crucifixion)
Day 6 Stasis - The Body (The Transfiguration)
Day 7 Harmony - The Soul (The Resurrection)
Access though www.thewiseonewithin.com member:ship, passes or individually.
We are in the process of creating online courses for receiving the trans:missions now including:
• ‘Awakening the Avatar’
• ‘Divine Communion’
• ‘Stasis Healing Therapy’
Yet for now, this 7 day window just dropped in for Holy Week. The timing is precise. And completely in sync.
Simple steps if you feel to do ‘The Quest’ this week:
• Choose a time to receive (same each day)
• Create your sacred space
• Close your eyes and take 7 deep, heart centred breaths
• Be open to receiving
• Press play
• Upon completion you may wish to record your experience in a journal
• Share with us if you feel to
I will be doing it!!! Feel free to join ‘The Quest’ this week if you’re called. In your own sacred space. Individually, yet together. The Heart Knows.
All love x
PS Also inviting existing members of 'The Wise One Within' to jump on board with us!